Quick Sketch / Portrait Rapide 2

Quick Sketch - Portrait Rapid of a young woman

Size: 13″ x 16″
Date: 1976
Media: Conté crayon on grey paper
Where: Fayence, France
Signature: “benson ’76”
Currently: Family collection

A Quick Sketch of a young woman who I think was the eldest daughter of one of my mother’s neighbors. It was probably drawn as a demonstration while waiting for paying customers during one the many arts festivals promoted and attended by my mother in the village of Fayence.

The portrait is an example of using conté crayon on grey paper. The grey paper fills in the mid tones with the black conté crayon working for the structure and shadows while the white conté is lightly added to provide highlights and shape. This particular example looks like it was done a little more “quickly” than others, judging by the degree of finish in the drawing, especially if one compares it to the Pépé drawing.

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