Martin Clayman

Portrait of Mr Martin Clayman USA 1974

Size: F30, 73cm × 92cm, 28” x 36”
Media: Brush, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: Completed June 21, 1974
Where: Painted at Fayence, France
Signature: “christine benson 1974”
Currently: With the Clayman family

Mr. Martin Clayman was an American business “tycoon” on holiday in the area and commissioned my mother to do this large painting. Her diary lists the price as $570 size with exclamation marks. At approximately $3,500 in 2024 dollars that would make a much needed contribution to her household budget even if some of that had to immediately go to the dentist.

Mr. Clayman was the co-founder of Artmark Fabrics Company, a mail-order fabric wholesaler selling decorator fabrics nationwide to decorators, department stores, and architects. The company headquarters were located in Frazer, Pennsylvania in the USA.

It is interesting that she showed herself to be the true professional and was able to complete the painting in a very short timeline and overcoming needing to have a wisdom tooth pulled right at the start of the whole project. I also love her diary notation at the end; “It’s me, It’s me” shouted the American Tycoon!

Note: This image was reproduced from a photograph in her portfolio album and she notes that she was not happy with the colour reproduction, I’ve done my best to correct it here.

Diary Entries

June 11, 19741st sitting with Martin $570 size!! Charcoaling in not easy with hands. (PM had bad wisdom tooth pulled)
June 12, 19742 hrs Drawing completed but my tooth dripped blood the whole time. Unpleasant, it ached all day. 2 hrs background on Bonnie.
June 13, 19743.5 hrs Martin’s background. Completed, but I don’t like it.
June 14, 19747hrs on Martin’s shirt! Good work though exacting.
June 15, 19741.5hr finished shirt. Benny [ex husband] wants to buy paintings!!!
June 16, 1974started work 20 mins Yves & daughter arr[ived]
June 17, 19742 hrs Martin’s background, better.
June 18, 19749-11:20 3rd sitting Martin Clayman. Went extremely well down to nose, plus some work on hands, did 1.5 on these in PM
June 19, 19748:45 4th Martin [sitting] Oh dear – after 5 mins he was sick & lay down, obviously tummy bug. Only a little work on nose from memory
June 20, 19748:45 4th Martin [sitting] 2hrs with model. Had trouble. Then 2hrs more & checked & changed face, 3/4hr later 2nd hand but he couldn’t keep them still.
June 21, 19748:45 5th & last sitting Martin. 1.5 hrs with model, 2 hrs without. 3/4hr PM.  Final 1/2hr with Martin. Exhausted but happy. “It’s me, It’s me” shouted the American Tycoon! TOTAL 9hrs with, 22hrs without.
June 26, 19741hr changing Martin C’s paunch.
July 3, 1974Worked like mad on finishing touches on both portraits [other portrait Harold Wand] 3 hrs. 12pm Portraits to photographer.

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