
Painting of Mme Yolande de Rougeville 1972

Size: P15, 65cm × 54cm, 25.5” x 21.25”
Media: Brush and scrub, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: Completed August 15, 1972
Where: Painted at Les Fourques, in Seillans, Var, France
Signature: “christine benson 1972”
Currently: With the De Rougeville family

Mme. Yolande de Rougeville was another artist in the area who lived in the country up behind the neighboring village of Callian. On her property there was a studio and some other buildings where another English artist, Dot lived. Shortly after this painting was completed, Yolande actually gave my mother a place to stay while she waited for her flat to be finished. See the Biography for more details. Besides being a painter in the naïve style, Yolande was an intellectual and a great lover of animals, taking in many strays. It was here that my mother was adopted by a kitten, Kichicot, that went with her to the new flat in Fayence.

The portrait is a great likeness and I find the eyes and expression especially telling of the kind person that was Yolande. The background was reminiscent of her naïve style of painting, here you can see a very simplified rendition of Callian on the right and then Yolande herself leading her dog and many cats up the hill behind the village to her own little compound of buildings. I’m sure it was a real struggle for my mother to paint in this naïve style as it it’s the antithesis of her own realistic style.

Below you will find a brief obituary for Yolande that my mother had placed next the photograph of the painting in her portfolio of portraits.

Diary Entries

August 7, 1972Started portrait Mme Yolande Rougeville 1/2hr Charcoal. Good, 2.5hrs in pm scrub.
August 8, 1972Tired & irritable. Work schedule upset. 1hr. Mme Y eyes. She was pleased
August 9, 1972Painted Mme Yolande. Lot of good painting but lost likeness.
August 11, 1972Did 1 hr background.
August 13, 19722hrs with Mme Y. Got likeness back. 2hrs PM Mme Y
August 14, 1972The Yolande painting 2hrs AM, 4.5hrs PM until 8PM when the dark came.
August 15, 1972Mme Y thrilled with naïve background 1 hr. finished neck & hair. Zizz .. Did final 2hrs on background mimosa trees & Callian tower.
August 15, 1972Fayence flat not ready until “sometime” in Nov, HAVE DECIDED TO GO TO AMERICA!

Mme Yolande de Rougeville obituary

News article Mme Yolande de Rougeville obit 1974

28 August 1974

Death of Mrs. Yolande de Rougeville

The members of the Mediterranean Cultural Society will learn with great sadness of the death of Mrs. Yolande de Rougeville, after a long illness, at the hospital in Grasse. A resident of Callian, she had been for many years a member of the S.C.M., where her work and conferences were always greatly appreciated.
During the next cycle, was she going to share one of her studies on Copernicus?…
Before being hospitalized, a fortnight ago, she had postponed her lecture until later, she wrote, “if I’m still here!” Alas! death took her.
She had been the organizer of the exhibition in Flayosc of painters of the society, herself a delicate artist, a passionate disciple of naïve art. One misses in her the sincere artist, the woman of heart, always ready to help other painters and her friends; always active and smiling. A religious service was celebrated in her memory, in the church of Callian
-body absent- Mme de Rougeville having donated her remains to science…
Our condolences to all those affected by this loss.

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