The Wish / Le Voeux

Portrait of young woman sitting on a wall

Size: M30, 60cm × 92cm, 24” x 36”
Media: Brush, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: Completed 1973
Where: Painted at Fayence, France
Signature: “christine benson 1973”
Currently: Unknown

The Wish / Le Voeux is portrait of Marie-Chantal Embert who lived in Fayence, the village my mother had moved to at the start of that year, 1973. As she got to know the locals and her neighbors she was always on the lookout for people or places that she thought would make for good paintings. Marie-Chantal was one such local. If you read the diary, you can see that the models were often enthusiastic to start but that would wane once they realized it was nothing but sitting still. Reading through the diary you can begin to see some of the troubles she had. I think my mother would pay them some nominal amount or more often work out some other sort of renumeration like a drawing or a small painting.

Further reading her diary, one can see that she initially thought that Marie-Chantal would be a beautiful subject but only after the first sitting did she come up with the concept of “The Wish” for love and peace. In a letter to me later that year, with included a photo of the painting, she wrote “”The Wish” “Le Voeux” Sept 1973. Exhibited Nice Sept 73. Peace and love symbolised by medallion. Heart & dove – Field for growth, rock wall for foundation.”

While going through her sketches, I came across this series of sketches that includes ideas for what turns out to be four separate paintings, see the Chantal paintings and some early ideas for the Oyster Nymphs.

Wish Sketch 18x20
Wish Sketch 18″ x 20″

Diary Entries

September 4, 1973Start portrait of Marie-Chantal Embert. 3/4 figure charcoaling 1 hr
September 5, 19732nd sitting Marie-Chantal 1hr drawing. Got background idea just before bed. Peace & Love symbolised simply by heart and dove. Sitting on rock wall signifying a solid foundation. “The Wish” fits A or M.C 
September 10, 19733rd sitting 1 1/4 hrs Did face & neck finished after 4hrs altogether!
September 11, 19734th sitting 45mins! Did hair -hands.
September 12, 1973Marie-Chantel never came! Woe is me. I now have impossible task of finishing with no model – a 3/4 figure too! 2hrs good painting on pants.
September 13, 19732hrs painting
September 14, 19735hrs on Marie-Chantal incroyable 18 1/2 hrs & almost finished!!!
September 15, 1973Shopped and looked for my model – no luck
September 16, 1973Still no Marie-Chantal but painting progresses well. 2.5hrs painting
September 17, 1973Finish ‘Le Voeux’ and changed all names on other paintings. Make Frame 2.5 hrs & FINISHED 23hrs on 2ft x 3ft!!! My best painting yet.
October 31, 19731st Marie-Chantal Embert again and again she never turned up. Dammit!
November 28, 1973Marie-Chantal She came! Re-painted eyes on ‘The Wish’ now they are alive again.
December 5, 1973Added shadow to “Le Voeux’ (The Wish)

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