
A pencil sketch of a very young boy

Size: 14″ x 20″
Date: 1962
Media: Pencil on paper
Where: Bournemouth, England
Signature: christine benson
Currently: White Family collection

A pencil sketch of the youngest son, Max, of my mother’s good friends, the Whites. This is one of a series she did of all three children.

Below are two additional sketches of Max done at the same time. The first is noticeably incomplete and then my mother used the page to practice her signature. The second image is mostly complete but I think my mother was unhappy with the jaw line and the way the viewer is looking down on the subject. The final version, evidently after raising the subjects seat, looks much better.

An incomplete sketch of a young boy with additional practice signatures
Max White version 1 1962
An almost complete sketch of a young boy
Max White version 2 1962

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