La Chapelle de Notre Dame des Cyprès

Water color of the Notre Dame des CyprèsChapel

Size: 18″ x 13″, 46cm x 33cm
Media: Watercolour on paper
Date: circa 1983, autumn
Where: Provence, France
Signature: benson
Currently: In the family collection

This a more conventional view of the Notre Dame des Cyprès Chapel just outside of Fayence on the valley floor off the road to Seillans. This lovely chapel was the subject of many of my mother’s landscapes. Although there is no date on the painting, I can tell from the style, the lack of outlining and detail that is was done in the eighty’s to sell in her Atelier or studio gallery. It’s interesting to compare this close view with the radically different view point of a much earlier oil painting of the chapel she did in the early seventy’s.

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