11th Grand Prix International de Peinture de la Cote d’Azur – Grand Finalist and Vote of the Jury

11th Grand Prix International de Peinture de la Cote d'Azur - Grand Finalist Diploma and Voice of the Jury - 1975

11th International Grand Prix
of Painting of the Côte d’Azur


Award of Honor


awarded to Christina Benson

The Jury
Under the Presidency of Mr. Gabriel OLLIVIER, Member of the Institute
Mme. GAUBE-BERTIN President of the Association of French Museums
Mme. LEMAIRE d’AGAGGIO Delegate of the Fine Arts of Antibes
Mme. WHERLE, Public Relations Director, Casino
His Excellency, Mr. de BAELEN, Ambassador
Mr. Detroy and Dr. CALLENDRY Adi. to the Fine Arts of Cannes
Mr. FOURNIER Adj. to Fine Arts of St-Paul-de-Vence
Mr. VRERET, representative of Le Cannet
Mr. SEGUELA, General Commissioner of the Salon d’Automne
Mr. BANWARTH, General Manager of the Municipal Casino of Cannes
Mr. de FELIX, General Secretary of the Municipal Casino of Cannes
Mr. PUJOL, Master Decorator of the Lucien Barrière Group

February 13, 1975
For the Jury
The General Secretary

Solange SONTAG

11th Grand Prix de Peinture de Cote d'Azur 1975 program cover
11th Grand Prix de Peinture de Cote d’Azur 1975 program
11th Grand Prix de Peinture de Cote d'Azur 1975 participants partial list
11th Grand Prix de Peinture de Cote d’Azur 1975 participants