The Village of Callian

Oil painting of the french village of Callian, Provence France

Size: 41cm x 81cm, 31″ x 15.75″
Media: Oil paint and brush on canvas
Where: Painted at Montaroux, Var, France
Date: Finished March 3rd. 1972
Signature: “christine benson 1972”
Currently: Anthony’s collection

This was the view from the small semi-detached house in the village of Montaroux where we lived for almost a year in 1972. The Village of Callian can be seen across the valley. My mother had considered finding a place in Callian as there were a number of other artists living there but the streets were very narrow with buildings very close to each other, so she decided it was much nicer to look at than live in. This was painted in the winter when the leaves are off the trees enabling a mostly unobstructed view of the hillside. She also chose to paint in the early morning to capture the upslope fog as it collects between the mountains in the distance and as the mist lingers in valley as seen on the right side of the painting. My mother painted this specifically as a present for me shortly after I left France and went to University in America. It might be also be the only panoramic format landscape that she painted, probably because she knew I was very fond of that aspect ratio. You can see from her diary entries that she also started on a painting of me called “Without Worry” mostly from photographs and memory.

Diary Entries

2/23/19721hr started sketching ‘Callian’
2/24/1972Callian 3.5hrs
2/29/19722hrs Callian – bad, 3hrs -Started Anthony – good (Without Worry)
3/1/19722hrs Callian good, 3hrs A. good
3/2/19721hr Callian -bad -hate it. 3.5hrs A. 
3/3/19722hrs am A, went to lake, 3hrs pm A
3/4/19726hrs. Painting – 3 Callian 3 nude
3/7/19721/2hr Callian – Visibility bad, rain & hail
3/8/19725hrs Callian 17hours to date
3/9/19724.5hrs C 
3/10/19723hrs Callian
3/14/19725hrs started & finished nude!!
3/15/19725hrs and really finished nude v. successful
3/16/19723hrs on Callian. 1hr pm and FINISHED – thank heaven.
Started on A again 1 hr.