
Size: 30P, 94cm × 64cm, 37” x 25”
Media: Brush, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: September 4, 1974
Where: Painted at Fayence, France
Signature: “christine benson 1974”
Currently: Raymakers estate, Netherlands

Diana Raymakers was the daughter of Dr. G. Raymakers from Aarle-Rixtel in the Netherlands. They were vacationing in the area and saw my mother’s paintings in an exhibition in Seillans, a nearby village. Being fans of the Dutch painter Carel Willink they were taken with my mother’s use of symbolism in the background of her portraits. So they commissioned a large portrait of their daughter Diana. I’m not absolutely certain of her name as my mother’s diary refers to her as “Diana” but in her portfolio book she lists the painting as “Diane” although that is the typical French translation of Diana.

In the painting, the subject is posed with very dramatic lighting, a mix of warm yellow electric lighting, presumably coming from a villa’s interior, falling on the front of the subject which is set against the cold background of the moon lit landscape behind. Within that landscape is a statue of Diana the traditional Roman goddess of hunting, the moon and chastity. The statue looks very like the one called Diana of Versailles housed in the Musée du Louvre, Paris. Additionally, the goddess considers Cypress trees to be sacred and here we have two behind the statue. In the foreground there is a branch of Olive leaves, the traditional symbol for peace, perhaps to counteract hunting aspect of the goddess. Around the subject’s neck you can just make a St George medallion which I expect is just the jewelry she chose to wear for the sitting, along with the antique silver Thai arm cuff. I think both pieces of jewelry elevate the setting and make it to appear to be more at an evening event. I cannot be sure but I think the background mountains are the actual foothills and mountains from behind Fayence probably up towards Mons.

The diary also notes that the Raymakers were very pleased with the finished product and gave my mother a larger payment than she had asked which seems to have been a regular occurrence.

Diary Entries

July 26, 1974Horoscope: Today your finances will soar. Ha ha thought I, where from? Answer came from Seillans exhibition! Dr Raymakers wants me to paint his daughter with symbolic background. The family chose 30P 2,700F!
July 29, 19749:30 1st sitting Diana Raymakers. Lot of trouble getting her relaxed & posed. 
July 30, 19749:30 2nd Session Diana. 2 hrs drawing in. Mother and father both pleased with concept.
July 31, 19749:30 3rd Diana 2 hrs Painted face to just below eyes. Will be v. dramatic with electric lighting. Am excited with this portrait.
August 1, 19749:30 4th Diana. 3 hrs lower 1/2 of face -incredibly difficult with two light sources. 3hrs in evening on background.
August 2, 19749:30 5th Diana 3.5 hrs hair and regaining lost likeness! Another post mortem with v. critical mother & happy father for over an hour.
August 5, 19749:30 AM Diana 6th. 2.5 hrs. Dr Raymakers gave me book on WILLINK – best loved & known painter in Holland. Gives me proof of my own right direction. Great excitement over ‘La Rêve‘ .
August 6, 19749:30 AM 7th Diana. 3 hrs v.good
August 7, 19744 hrs New mountains background on ‘Diana’ 1hr finished ‘La Rêve‘ 19hrs [total]
August 8, 19749:30 AM Diana 8th. The doctor’s face was a joy when he saw new backgorund. 2.5hrs on hands. Usual session this time with his sister. “Could I perhaps fill in the white unfinished parts?” Phew! Worked from 4-10pm on lower half of canvas. The balustrade. So difficult but all filled in.
August 9, 19749:30 AM Diana 9th. 2.5 hrs what a morning! Her mother cried because the painting was so beautiful. The doctor just said ‘I love it’
August 13, 19743.5 hrs background on Diana
August 14, 197410 AM Diana and her mother. 2 hrs finishing touches. Then the cruelest session of criticism – nearly lost my cool. 1.5hr. Jewelry at 8:30
August 19, 19744.5hrs on balustrade in Diana
August 20, 19741.5 hrs on olive branch.
August 22, 1974For the 8th time I am being paid more than I asked!!! This time for ‘Diana’ Fr: Dr Raymakers F3,000
September 3, 19743hrs with ‘Diana’ Changed moon, did statue etc.
September 4, 19742hrs on Diana plus 1 [in] PM. FINISHED ‘DIANA’ 51 hrs.
October 4, 1974[Letter from Dr Raymakers] Dr. Raymakers v.happy with ‘Diana’ could I perhaps crack the balustrade!!

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