Danielle Politzer

Portrait of Danielle Politzer

Size: F8, 46cm × 38cm, 18” x 15” (est.)
Media: Brush, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: Completed January 4, 1974
Where: Painted at Fayence, France
Signature: “christine benson 1974”
Currently: Politzer family

The Danielle Politzer portrait was a small spec painting of one of the locals in Fayence. After doing the painting my mother was inspired to ask Danielle to model for another painting just a couple of weeks later called, The Wish IV- Liberty. She also later modelled for a number of other paintings.

A very strikingly beautiful subject with an interesting contrast between the smooth rendition of the skin tones against the strong texturing of the plaster wall in the background. The background may look like a random abstract brush work but I’m sure it’s real portrait of the wall in her living room. Contrary to most modern wall finishes, the common wall separating her flat from the neighbors house was made of incredibly uneven stonework that had been covered in plaster just smushed about with trowels and hands with no attempt being made for a flat surface. It made for real challenges when trying to hang paintings, at least the drop ceiling was horizontal unlike the floor.

At a later date, 1975, my mother gave the painting to Danielle and her family.

Diary Entries

November 20, 19731st sitting with Danielle, interrupted, She sits like an angel – beautiful face and planes.
November 21, 19732nd sitting with Danielle interrupted… Finished portrait 3hrs!!
November 22, 19733rd 1/2 hr sitting Danielle . Slight changes on face.
November 25, 19734th session with Danielle – dress 1.5 hrs finished complicated embroidery
January 3, 1974Started painting! 4hrs plaster wall background on Danielle. Felt good again to work.
January 4, 19741.5 finished Danielle’s portrait
August 27, 1975Danielle (my inspiration for ‘Hope‘) & husband Jean-Michiel plus adorable little horror came for aperitifs. She couldn’t get over the beauty of the painting and was delighted I had won the Diploma for it. I gave her the portrait I did of her in 1973 it seemed only fair and they haven’t enough money to buy it.

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