Fantasy at Dawn / Euphorie au Petit Matin

Fantasy at Dawn / Euphorie au Petit Matin. A painting of a young bearded man's head sitting in a large wine glass in front of an ocean with mountains in the distance

Size: P15, 65cm × 54cm, 25.5” x 21.25”
Media: Brush, Oil paint on Canvas
Date: Completed August 1, 1972
Where: Painted at Les Fourques, in Seillans, Var, France
Signature: “christine benson 1972”
Currently: With Conrad Selvig

How the painting, Fantasy at Dawn, originated is a bit of a case of it’s a small world. Conrad Selvig, the model in this painting is the son of George Selvig who served in the OSS with my father during World War II. Incidentally he is also the grandson of his namesake Conrad Selvig, the congressman from Minnesota from 1927 to 1933. Back to the summer of 1972, Conrad managed to connect up with my mother while he was travelling through Europe “finding himself” or whatever the expression was then. My mother, always ready to give strays and travelers a place to stay, invited him to stay with her while she was house sitting at an American friends villa. Judging by the diaries and stories I heard, there was significant partying going on and many late nights solving the world’s problems as she almost felt like he was another of her sons. She decided to do a portrait of Conrad just ten days before he was due to continue in his travels.

One can see in the painting the particular issues Conrad was facing. Obviously there is the party and drink aspect which could not be more directly represented than by having his head in the bottom of a wine glass, but as Conrad himself pointed out to me on a later visit, it was not without an escape as depicted by the rope ladder he insisted be added down the back of the glass. Also in the foreground are oyster shells and pearls, few symbols can both represent a decadent life and seeking wisdom at the same time. In the background on the other side of the “ocean” are the mountains of Big Sur from his home state and a big IBM and Ford billboard representing a possible future corporate life he was trying to avoid. All set in the dawn light to represent both the time we have regrets about the previous night partying and the start of a new day or a new phase in one’s life. We are also fortunate to have a record from my mother’s diaries of the time the painting took and can see that she had also just started a new commission of Mme. Ramage which was competing for that time.

In a personal letter to me with an enclosed photograph, she writes “Fantasy at Dawn or Euphorie au Petit Matin, oil 21″x26″ Summer 1972 at Les Fourques, Subject Conrad Selvig. Head in glass to take away from J.C. look – note rope ladder for escape after fantasy ends – IBM & Ford in detract from possible early western aspect – as it was at St. Tropez – right hand mountain as per Big Sur in Calif. dawn studied for weeks from Kathleen’s bed at Les Fourques, pearls in oyster shells for fun. Exhibited at Hotel Martinez, Cannes Feb 1973 Was televised”.

At Nice the following year, she submitted the painting to the Grand Prix de New York 1973 (New York Grand Prix) where it won first prize in the portrait category. In her diary for October 9th she writes “I’VE WON THE PREMIER PRIX FOR PORTRAITS!!! AT EXHIBITION “GRAND PRIX DE NEW YORK” NICE” in an astonished all caps.

Diary Entries

7/4/1972Mme Ramage 1st sitting Went well 1 hrs drawing in
7/14/1972Talked of doing portrait of Conrad, indecision re time & background delayed start. Swim & Lunch, Zizzed till nearly 6pm. Initial 2 stages in 1.5 hrs. So easy he sits like a statue.
7/15/1972Face but not finished – eyes nearly completed in 3 Hrs.
7/16/1972Eyes etc. 1 hr. C. trimmed his beard.
7/17/1972Worked on Mme R.’s background
7/18/1972Mme Ramage 1.5 hr.
7/19/19724 hrs. On Conrad’s background
7/20/19722 hrs work C
7/21/1972V. tired but did some work 3 hrs bckgrd. Bed at 5 am
7/22/1972Got up at 10 am. Hassled with paper cutouts for glass shape. Did some painting on face. Changed it later. Swam in the nude. Party went on until 2 am.
7/23/1972More work on Conrad’s portrait. Gave him a haircut.
7/24/1972Conrad didn’t leave because of flat tire. Did some v. good work on left eye and cheek shadow.
7/25/1972Mme Ramage 3pm 2 hrs good
7/26/1972Hassled with ellipse 1.5 hrs.
7/30/1972Did 3hrs AM, 1 PM. 1 eve on glass
7/31/197212 hrs portrait 18hrs background (Conrad)
8/1/19723hrs in AM,… 1 hr PM
8/3/1972Conrad leaving 2pm.
1/28/1973Put Oysters in Conrad’s portrait & pearls
Conrad Selvig with CAB in front of Fantasy at Dawn
Conrad Selvig with CAB in front of Fantasy at Dawn
Conrad Selvig the model in front of Fantasy at Dawn painting
Conrad Selvig in front of Fantasy at Dawn
Conrad Selvig with CAB in front of Fantasy at Dawn painting with the model pretending to be the artist
Conrad Selvig with CAB in front of Fantasy at Dawn

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