The Business Card

Original master drawing for her business card

Size: 8″ x 6″
Date: 1976
Media: Ink on card stock
Where: Fayence, France
Signature: none
Currently: Family collection

This is the original master drawing for the business card she designed once she had moved into 22 Grande Rue du Château in Fayence. Of course, the studio and view are pure fiction or perhaps an idealized view of what she would like her little studio to have been. In the window you can see a fairly accurate rendition of the village of Fayence with it’s prominent clock tower and church with the mountains behind. Inside the studio you will note the artist at work painting a portrait as she considered herself mainly a portrait painter. Her cat is shown being well behaved and discreetly by her side. In the corners you will see her rising or ascendant sign and her Sun sign for those that are in the know.

In the middle of the card it says portraitiste meaning portraitist, below that dessinatrice which translates as draftswomen or as the English would say draughtswoman. Finally, peintre du rêve meaning painter of dreams, see an interesting article that was written about her for more details on this approach.

Below the final result:

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